I had my latest Ofsted inspection on 11th August 2015, and got an OUTSTANDING. I’m extremely chuffed with this, but don’t want to rest on my laurels…I need to keep things up and improve more.
The full report can be found on the Ofsted website, but here are a few extracts.

Summary of key findings for parents:
- The quality of teaching is of a very high standard. The childminder's questions and narration throughout activities are sharply focused and purposeful. She models excellent use of language to help children to extend their vocabulary. Children become very confident communicators.
- The childminder encourages children to keep on trying and sensitively promotes their early mathematical skills through well-planned activities and daily routines. She is very observant of what children are trying to achieve and helps them develop the confidence to think things through and solve their own problems.
- The childminder has very high expectations of all children. She provides them with an environment they are eager to explore. Children are very independent and active learners who are fully supported as they make their own choices about what they want to do. Children make exceptional progress from their starting points and they gain the key skills in readiness for school.
- The childminder has a first-class, professional partnership with schools. She shares precise information with teachers. This exchange of information is well received and actively contributes to ensuring children's individual learning needs and their emotional well-being are given utmost priority.
- The assessments of children's progress, including the progress check for children between the ages of two and three years, are accurate and precise. This information is shared regularly with parents and other early years professionals to ensure children continue to make rapid progress.
- Partnerships with parents are strong. Her settling-in visits allow children time to adjust to a new environment and to build a relationship with her and the others being cared for. The childminder skilfully makes use of these visits to gather detailed information about children's achievements at home to help her plan for their future development.